4 BEST tools to Sharpen Chainsaw Chain - Chainsaw Sharpener Tools

Unlocking the Secrets to Effective Chainsaw Chain Sharpening

Chainsaw maintenance can seem daunting, especially when it comes to sharpening the chain. A dull chain reduces efficiency and increases the risk of accidents. Fortunately, there are several methods to sharpen your chainsaw's chain effectively, ensuring peak performance and longevity. In this post, we will explore four different chain sharpening techniques from Stihl, ranging from basic manual methods to more sophisticated tools that simplify the process.

Establish a Stable Work Environment

Before diving into the specifics of chain sharpening, it's crucial to create a safe and stable work environment. Whether working at home or in the field, securing your chainsaw is the first step. Many people use a bench vice in a workshop setting, clamping the chainsaw bar securely to prevent any movement during the sharpening process. For on-site sharpening, a portable vice can be hammered into a stump, offering a makeshift yet effective solution.

Method 1: Hand Filing With Basic Tools

The simplest sharpening method involves using a pack of round files matched to the chain pitch, such as a 0.325" chain using a 0.325" file. Each file corresponds to the gap between the cutters on the chain. Proper technique requires pushing the file towards the cutter’s point, alternating between left and right cutters at a 30-degree angle. Although this method is time-consuming, it allows for meticulous control over the sharpening process.

Crucial Tools and Techniques:

  • Round Files and Handles: To protect your hands and improve grip, attach a handle to your file.
  • Consistency and Care: Perform a similar number of file strokes on each tooth to maintain uniformity. Regularly check the sharpness by feeling if the cutters grab your fingerprint slightly.
  • Depth Gauge Adjustment: As you sharpen, the cutters retract, and the depth gauge may need lowering to maintain cutting efficiency. Use a flat file for this adjustment, carefully avoiding damage to the freshly sharpened cutters.

Method 2: Using a Filing Guide

This older, traditional method incorporates a filing kit designed specifically for the chain pitch, such as 0.325". The kit includes a guide that prevents the file from lowering too much during sharpening, thus preserving the chain’s integrity. This setup ensures that the sharpening angle is consistently maintained.

Components of the Kit:

  • Filing Guide and Handle: Keeps the file aligned at the correct angle, showing when the file is parallel to the bar.
  • Flat File and Depth Guide: These tools help adjust the height of the depth gauges (also called rakers), ensuring they do not interfere with the cutting teeth’s effectiveness.

Method 3: Electric Sharpening in the Field

For those needing a quicker solution, especially in field conditions, an electric sharpener can be a game-changer. Powered by a vehicle’s battery, this tool uses a grinding stone to sharpen each tooth. A guide helps maintain the angle, but precision is crucial as the tool can remove excessive material if not handled carefully.

Advantages and Drawbacks:

  • Speed: Significantly faster than manual filing.
  • Risk of Error: Higher chances of accidentally altering the shape and effectiveness of the teeth and rakers.

Method 4: The Stihl Two-in-One Filing Tool

The most advanced and efficient method involves a tool that sharpens both the cutter and depth gauge in one stroke. This tool uses guide bars to prevent over-filing and ensures that both components wear evenly.

Benefits of the Two-in-One Tool:

  • Efficiency: Reduces the number of required strokes by half.
  • Precision: Maintains optimal cutting angles and depths without the need for frequent adjustments.


Choosing the right sharpening method depends on your specific needs, including the frequency of use and available resources. While manual methods allow for greater control and precision, they require more time and effort. Mechanical tools, on the other hand, offer speed and ease but come with a higher risk of mistakes. The Stihl two-in-one tool combines the best of both worlds, providing precision and efficiency suited for both beginners and experienced users alike. By selecting the appropriate method and practicing proper techniques, you can ensure that your chainsaw remains in top cutting form, enhancing both performance and safety.

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